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Classic Linux (Old)

Outdated page.

Updated information at: Classic Linux.

Also please see:

The classic_linux_old environment has always been, and will continue to be, oriented towards “old-timers” who prefer a command-line computing environment. Thus the classic Linux environment tries to provide useful command-line tools including programs for reading Usenet news and electronic mail. It's expected that as a user in this environment you don't mind reading online manuals now and then (with the “man” command), and you write, or would some day like to write, shell scripts or procmail recipes.

If you just want a friendly web-hosting environment where you do most operations from a web control panel, please take a look at our directadmin environment.

See also our general FAQ pages for Classic Linux at:

For the most current information about the newer Classic Linux environment, see the page

For other Classic Linux hints, see:

Classic Linux Servers

Old Classic Linux Servers

Running legacy 32-bit Red Hat 7.2, to be phased out eventually.


Recently permanently removed:

  •, was running 32-bit CentOS 4.x.
  •, was running 32-bit Red Hat 7.2.

How to connect:

  • The above machines will accept ssh connections. However, if your ssh connection attempt times out, please see: ssh_restrictions.
  • The machines listed above will soon no longer accept ssh connections from the outside. You will need to ssh to some other machine and then make another ssh connection to the above machines.
  • Our virtual fault-tolerant front-end, which accepted ssh connections on ports 22, 80, and 443 and routed them to one of the old servers, is now just a pointer to (see below).

New Classic Linux Servers

Running 64-bit CentOS 5.x:



The servers labeled as 'Recommended' are more likely to be reliable. The remaining servers might be in a state of still being configured or being updated.

How to connect:

  • You can connect individual machines listed above with ssh as usual.
  • Also, from outside our network, you may ssh on any of the ports 22, 80, and 443 to the virtual fault-tolerant front-end called This will lead you one of the above servers. If one server is inaccessible, it will connect you to another one.
  • ssh_restrictions apply to
  • The old virtual fault-tolerant front-end called is now just a pointer to

One-of-a-Kind CentOS 5.x

The following machines also run 64-bit CentOS 5.x:

These machines will access your old inbox and will be used solely as a transition aid during our mail_system_migration_2009.

old/classic/classic_linux_old.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/30 02:44 by admin