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[ Classic Linux and DirectAdmin. ]
If something should ever happen to you, so that we don't hear from you and bills remain unpaid, after some warnings your account will be suspended and then eventually deleted.
However, if your account is active, and somebody claims to be the new rightful owner because something has happened to you, we will need your instructions.
Please log into our billing system, open a support ticket, make its subject heading
If something happens to me
and in its body give us instructions as to how to handle your account if something should happen to you. An example format is given below, but any easily understood instructions may be specified.
After we see the ticket we will confirm that we have received it and we will close it. It will remain in your account. We will refer to it when needed.
Note: We won't initiate any actions ourselves, but will follow your instructions if others claim to be your rightful successor and to be entitled to access your data.
You can ask us to delete this support ticket later if you change your mind, or you can update it by adding a reply to it.
Note: If you specify “just delete it” in your instructions, your next of kin will have no access to any of your data. Please choose wisely.
If I die, make my account available to:
(pick one)
If I become permanently incapacitated, make my account available to:
(pick one)
Any other instructions: