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Selective Whitelisting

Outdated page.

Updated information at: Classic Linux.

Also please see:

Sometimes you may find that the SMTP filtering gets in the way of some specific sender. You don't want to completely switch off SMTP filtering, but you still want to receive mail from that sender.

Although our SMTP filtering does not allow a specific sender to be white-listed, you can take advantage of our Email Hyphenated Suffixes feature. Simply create a new email address just for use by that sender, explicitly add that address (see Removing Email Addresses), and keep SMTP filtering switched off for only that email address (see smtp_filtering_to_keep_out_spam). Then give that sender this new email address and ask him to send mail to you at this email address. Now that sender can send you email, while all your other email is still spam-filtered just as well as ever.

Also please see: If Legitimate Mail is Blocked.

classic/selective_whitelisting.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/30 04:53 by admin